Contact Us
Have a question or concern? Need to contact the office or a teacher about an assignment or upcoming event? Please feel free to contact us so we can help you with any concerns you might have. Parent involvement is vital to a child's education and we want to collaborate with you!
General Information:
Address: 104 New St., Ashley, MI 48806
School phone: 1-989-847-4000
School fax: 1-989-847-4204
School Year Office Hours:7:30am-4pm
Summer Office Hours: Please call ahead as our schedules change
Pre-K - 12 office:
Elementary/Middle/High School Secretary: Kristen Ringle 1-989-847-4000 EXT: 1003
Athletic Director/Dean of Students: Marty Cartwright 1-989-847-4000 EXT: 1029
Administrative Office:
Administrative Assistant: Paula Schreiner 1-989-847-4000 EXT: 1000
Pre-K - 8 Principal: Stephanie Combs 1-989-847-4000 EXT: 1020
Superintendent/9-12 Principal: Traci Gavenda 1-989-847-4000 EXT: 1004
Fax: 989-847-3500